EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion is a pan-European Initiative launched by the European Commission to promote research careers and facilitate the mobility of researchers across Europe.
EURAXESS is a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, universities and businesses to interact with each other. EURAXESS covers mobility-related topics for researchers and entrepreneurs, and allows universities and businesses to find the right talent, projects and funding.
This portal contains practical information on living and working in Switzerland, job and funding opportunities across Europe, and diverse services for researchers in all fields. The 14 EURAXESS Centres, located at Swiss higher education institutions, help researchers and their family to plan and organize their move to Switzerland, providing assistance in all matters related to mobility.
All services of the EURAXESS Network are free of charge.
EURAXESS Switzerland - Your Gateway to Mobile Researcher Support

Foreign academics and scientists interested to work in Switzerland can use EURAXESS to search for job offers or funding opportunities, and get free personalized assistance.
Are you interested in learning more about EURAXESS and what EURAXESS Switzerland can do for you?
Check out our introductory video!
Switzerland’s status in Horizon Europe
Jobs and Funding
Swiss universities and research institutions offer excellent career opportunities for scientists, developers, researchers, postdocs, academic staff, and professors.
Additionally, Europe provides a wealth of research funding options, from individual grants to start-up support. If you have a question regarding your application for a European project, please contact the EURESEARCH network.
Moreover, as an employer you can search for highly skilled and experienced staff with just a click.
Notification of Arrival
If you intend to stay in Switzerland without transferring your domicile here and without taking up gainful employment, you may stay here for a maximum period of three months without notifying the competent authorities.
In the event of taking up residence here for a period exceeding three months and/or if you wish to pursue gainful employment, you should notify your commune of residence within 14 days of your arrival.
EURAXESS Switzerland #StandWithUkraine