Switzerland Network
EURAXESS Switzerland is a network of 14 centres located in 11 Swiss cities. If you are a mobile researcher, the EURAXESS Centres can assist you and your family in every step of your move, starting in your home country and continuing until you have settled in a new one. This free personalised service is here to remove red tape and make your life easier. You will receive comprehensive, up-to-date information, as well as customised assistance on all matters relating to your professional and daily life. A team of well informed staff is at your disposal across Switzerland.
Find the EURAXESS Centre nearest you:

Basel: EURAXESS Centre University of Basel
Bern: EURAXESS Centre University of Bern; EURAXESS Centre University of Applied Sciences Bern
Fribourg: EURAXESS Centre University of Fribourg
Geneva: EURAXESS Centre University of Geneva
Lausanne: EURAXESS Centre University of Lausanne; EURAXESS Centre EPF Lausanne
Lucerne: EURAXESS Centre University of Lucerne
Lugano: EURAXESS Centre Università della Svizzera Italiana
Manno: EURAXESS Centre University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
Neuchâtel: EURAXESS Centre University of Neuchatel
St. Gallen: EURAXESS Centre University of St. Gallen
Zurich: EURAXESS Centre University of Zurich; EURAXESS Centre ETH Zurich